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* MacZoop - "the framework for the rest of us"
* ZDialog.h -- a dialog box
* © 1996, Graham Cox
#pragma once
#ifndef __ZDIALOG__
#define __ZDIALOG__
#ifndef __ZWINDOW__
#include "ZWindow.h"
// dialog item extra info record, used for edit field control and radio button groups. NOTE:
// Do not rely on the format of this structure not changing. It is the place ZDialog stores
// private item info and is likely to be extended in future.
typedef struct
unsigned short flags; // bitfield for edit field behaviour
short groupID; // group ID for radio button groups
long minValue; // for limited fields, the minimum value
TEHandle mirrorTE; // for password fields, the mirror TE record
// (n.b. p/w fields can't have limits [why would they?])
long maxValue; // -"-, the maximum value
DItemInfo, *DItemInfoPtr, **DItemInfoHdl;
// flags bitfield used in above record:
editFieldIsDisabled = 1, // edit field is completely disabled
editFieldSignedInteger = 2, // edit field only accepts numbers and - sign
editFieldSignedFloat = 4, // as above plus decimal point character
editFieldUnsignedInteger = 8, // accepts only numbers but not - sign
editFieldUnsignedFloat = 16, // as above plus decimal point character
editFieldHasMinValue = 32, // if int field, has an acceptable minimum val
editFieldHasMaxValue = 64, // if int field, has an acceptable maximum val
editFieldAlphabeticOnly = 128, // only accepts letters, not numbers
editFieldHiddenChars = 256, // "password" style field hides input when typing
editFieldHCMirrorAlloc = 0x8000, // the password mirror has been allocated
efSignedLimitType = editFieldSignedInteger + editFieldHasMinValue + editFieldHasMaxValue,
efUnsignedLimitType = editFieldUnsignedInteger + editFieldHasMinValue + editFieldHasMaxValue
// Password Fields, please note:
// To establish a password field, set the flag <editFieldHiddenChars> (256) in your resource. When the
// dialog is set up, this triggers the creation of a TextEdit record to hold the characters you type while
// the user sees bullet points on the screen. The TE record is created by the first call to SetEditFieldInfo
// with the flag set. This method then sets the <editFieldHCMirrorAlloc> flag, to indicate that a TextEdit
// record was created. Subsequent calls to SetEditFieldInfo() won't create more records as long as this flag
// is set. You can use GetValueAsText() to retrieve the true data from a password field. Pasting into such
// a field is prevented, and cutting or copying from the field copies the bullet points- you can only get
// the true data programmatically, which is how it should be. NEVER set the <editFieldHCMirrorAlloc> flag
// yourself or in the resource, or things will quickly die.
// 'ictb' parsing stuff:
#pragma options align=mac68k
// first part of resource is array of these:
typedef struct
unsigned short iData; // item data flags (enumerated below)
unsigned short iOffset; // offset to data table
ictbItemEntry, *ictbPtr, **ictbHandle;
// text info stored in tables like this:
typedef struct
short txtFont; // font ID or offset to name
Style txtFace; // face- plain, bold, etc
char filler;
short txtSize; // font size
RGBColor txtFColour; // text colour
RGBColor txtBColour; // background colour
short txtMode; // transfer mode
ictbTextStyleTable, *ictbTablePtr;
// iData is bitfield arranged thus:
fFamChange = 1, // change the font
fFaceChange = 2, // change the face
fSizeChange = 4, // change the size
fFColourChange = 8, // change the colour
fAddFontSize = 16, // add the size
fBColourChange = 8192, // change the background colour
fModeChange = 16384, // change the mode
fIsFNameOffset = 32768 // txtFont is offset to font name
#pragma options align=reset
// message sent to dialog's boss when dialog closed OK. You can listen for this
// so that you get informed when the user closes the dialog. The boss listens for
// this anyway- you just need to override ReceiveMessage to take action.
kMsgDialogSuccessfullyClosed = 'dlg$',
kMsgDialogCancelled = 'dlg-',
kMsgDialogItemClicked = 'dlg~',
kMsgDialogSetUp = 'dlg!'
// set up streaming stuff:
DEFINECLASSID( ZDialog, 'zdlg' );
// class definition
class ZDialog : public ZWindow
Boolean isModal; // TRUE if dialog is modal
Boolean isInline; // Dialog being handled by RunModal()- caller deletes.
DItemInfoHdl dItemInfo; // extra info about dialog items
ictbHandle ictb; // local handle to ictb resource, if any
short signalDismiss; // set to ok or cancel to close dialog safely in response to messages
short exitItem; // set to the item that dismissed the dialog, used by RunModal().
short baseItems; // count of "native" items in the dialog
ZDialog( ZCommander* aBoss, const short dialogID );
virtual ~ZDialog();
// window handling stuff
virtual void InitZWindow();
virtual void Draw();
virtual Boolean Close(const short phase);
virtual void AdjustCursor(const Point mouse, const short modifiers);
virtual void Click( const Point mouse, const short modifiers );
virtual void Activate();
virtual void Deactivate();
virtual void Idle();
virtual void Type( const char theKey, const short modifiers );
// command stuff
virtual void UpdateMenus();
// std edit commands
virtual Boolean CanPasteType();
virtual void DoCut();
virtual void DoCopy();
virtual void DoPaste();
virtual void DoClear();
virtual void DoSelectAll();
// dialog handling stuff
virtual void SetUp();
virtual void ClickItem( const short theItem );
virtual Boolean CloseDialog();
virtual Boolean Filter( EventRecord* theEvent );
virtual void DrawUserItem( const short item );
virtual void DrawOneItem( const short item );
virtual void SetDialogBaseFont( short fontID = 0, short fontSize = 12, short fontStyle = 0 );
// convenience functions
virtual void SetValue( const short item, const long value );
virtual void SetValue( const short item, const int value ) { SetValue(item, (long) value); }
virtual void SetValue( const short item, const short value ) { SetValue(item, (long) value); }
virtual void SetValue( const short item, const Str255 value );
virtual void SetValue( const short item, const double value );
virtual void SetValue( const short item, const float value ) { SetValue(item, (double) value); }
virtual long GetValue( const short item );
virtual void GetValueAsText( const short item, Str255 aStr );
virtual float GetValueAsFloat( const short item );
virtual short GetSelectedItemInGroup( const short groupID );
// info about dialog items:
virtual void GetItemBounds( const short item, Rect* bounds );
virtual short GetItemType( const short item );
virtual short FindItem( const Point localMouse );
virtual void FakeClick( const short item );
virtual Boolean HasEditFields();
virtual Boolean ValidateItem( const short item, Boolean showAlert = FALSE );
// manipulating items' appearance and behaviour:
virtual void HiliteItem( const short item, const short state );
virtual void OutlineDefaultItem();
virtual void HideItem( const short item );
virtual void ShowItem( const short item );
virtual void EnableItem( const short item );
virtual void DisableItem( const short item );
virtual void SetEditFieldInfo( const short item, unsigned short iFlags, long iMin = 0, long iMax = 0 );
virtual void GetEditFieldInfo( const short item, unsigned short* iFlags, long* iMin = NULL, long* iMax = NULL );
virtual void SetItemTitle( const short item, Str255 title );
virtual void SelectItem( const short item );
// multi-part dialogs:
virtual void AppendItemsToDialog( const short ditlID, DITLMethod apMethod = overlayDITL );
virtual void RemoveAppendedItems();
inline short GetBaseItemCount() { return baseItems; };
// streaming:
virtual void WriteToStream( ZStream* aStream );
virtual void ReadFromStream( ZStream* aStream );
// d+d:
virtual Boolean AcceptsFlavour( const OSType aFlavour ) { return FALSE; };
inline Boolean IsModal() { return isModal; };
// convenience method for implementing "inline" modal dialogs- use with care!
virtual Boolean RunModal();
// force modal dialog session to end. Very rarely needed or used.
virtual void DismissModal( const short itemDismiss );
// ictb stuff:
virtual void SetTEItemDataFromIctb( const short teItem, Boolean applyChanges = TRUE );
virtual void MakeMacWindow( const short dialogID );
virtual void MakeMacWindow( Rect* aRect, Str255 title, Boolean visible = FALSE, short varCode = 0, Boolean hasCloseBox = FALSE, void* userData = NULL );
virtual void SetUpUserItems( short fromItemNo = 0 );
virtual void SetUpRadioGroups( short fromItemNo = 0 );
virtual void ParseRButtonTitle( Str255 buttonTitle, short* groupID, Boolean* isDefault );
virtual void HandleRButtonGroupClick( const short item );
virtual void AddGreyscaleEffects();
virtual void ClearDITLPlaceHolders( Handle ditl );
// key and paste data filtering methods, used in conjunction with edit field info:
virtual Boolean KeyIsLegal( char* theKey, const short targetItem );
virtual Boolean PasteDataIsLegal( const short targetItem );
// set up method for edit fields from resources
virtual void ParseEditFieldInfo( Str255 efText, unsigned short* efFlags, long* min, long* max );
This is a ZWindow that manages a modal or modeless dialog using the dialog manager. For specific
dialogs, you need to override the SetUp, ClickItem and CloseDialog methods to handle your par-
ticular items. The rest is done for you.
Though ZDialog is built upon the Dialog Manager, it extends the feature set of dialogs which make them
much easier to use than the "bare" DM.
// method to convert real numbers to strings
void RealToString( const double num, Str255& str, short decPlaces = 3 );
// compiler flags:
// this class can now provide some support for the Apple Grayscale Appearance. If you do not want this
// additional support ( which draws 3D borders around edit fields and list boxes and draws user items as
// a 3D embossed line ), comment out the following compiler flag
// static function for drawing 3D effect rectangles:
void FrameGrayRect( Rect* aRect );
#define kFieldRangeAlertID 137